Tight muscles are my business!

We are here to make a difference.

Whether you’re recently injured or have chronic pain we can make you feel better.

Structural Integration

Structural Integration is a form of deep tissue bodywork with movement education.  It releases patterns of stress and tension that inhibit the body from moving freely by balancing the “structure” in gravity.  Structural Integration enhances the body’s pattern of organization.  When the body is balanced in gravity it functions at higher levels of efficiency, coordination, movement, balance, flexibility, strength, and ease.

Injury Massage

Great for chronic pain or long-standing injuries.  Every injury that we have ever had creates problems with our body later in life.  I can help you with anything from headaches to sprained ankles.  Upper back to sacral problems.  My passion is to bring balance to the body and re-educate people on how to help themselves.  Please come and see me with any type of injury.


My name is Penny, the owner and primary massage therapist at Body and Soul Therapeutic Massage. Helping people feel better is my passion.

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, Medical Massage Practitioner and I am certified in the Ida Rolf method of Structural Integration.  My specialties are working with chronic pain and injury as well as Medical Qigong, Sports Massage, Massage Cupping, Craniosacral Therapy and AromaTouch.  The body is like a puzzle and I love figuring out where your problems are coming from and helping you to find the perfect solution.  I graduated from The Utah College of Massage Therapy in 2001,  and have had over 550 hours of continuing education since then.

If you are looking for a professional massage, from someone who truly cares about you, then please come and see me.

The Weight of Your Head

Are you feeling like your head is way too heavy for you to hold up anymore? This could be due to your bad posture. Holding your head just three inches forward off your shoulders can add around 30lbs of weight. But that isn’t all read on to find out how else bad posture might be negatively affecting your life.

Get Rid of Your Flip Flops

Those pesky shoes are doing more damage than you think. When you wear shoes everyday that make your muscles work as they shouldn’t the long term affects can be brutal. Read on to know why you need to ditch those flip flops for the sake of your body.